My head is spinning...too much to much to try...too much to teach my darling teachers and students.
Sum up WLMA conference in one word: parfait
What, you ask? Well like a parfait, the conference had many layers upon layers of stuff to teach this infantile librarian.
Where to begin...what can make the most impact upon my school right now! and since they have already asked I do a little tech fair (I know I too am shaking my head with nervousness and disbelief) I guess utilizing social bookmarking, wikis, and blogs makes the most sense. My principal (who I am infatuated with) already writes a newsletter...I almost walk into this one.
My website needs extreme attention...and I should NOT be putting this off. In the day of iphones, ipods, icandy, and islippers this should be my first priority. My darlings don't even realize the amazingness of Nettrekker or elibrary, readergirlz, or book crush, etc.
Well, I guess I should recharge, and unglue these iballs from the screen. Maybe I'll find something
PS. nadean you are awesome!